Meet Our Team
Meet Our Instructional Technology Team
Daina Alston-Hargrave High School
I am Daina Alston, the Technology Mentor Teacher for HHS. This is my 28th year to teach and my 9th year in Huffman. I earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Sam Houston State University and a Masters of Education in Learning and Technology from Western Governors University. I currently teach Advanced and On-level English II and AP World History. I love technology and innovation in education, so I keep abreast of the latest studies with regard to how the brain works and how students best learn. Because our focus is on student learning through a variety of methods, helping my colleagues with their technological needs ensures progress in this area.
Valerie Bardwell-Huffman Middle School
I am Valerie Bardwell, and this is my 27th year of teaching. Theatre Arts and Theatre Production and Yearbook are the courses I currently teach. Additionally, I get to share my passion for technology with the faculty as one of two Technology Mentor Teachers. As the TMT, I am excited to assist and encourage the faculty on my campus to integrate technology into their lessons. I also offer training to employees who are not proficient with the software programs used by our district.
Erika McDaniel-Huffman Middle School
I am Erika McDaniel and this is my ninth year teaching, my sixth at HMS. In November I will graduate from Western Governors University with my masters in Learning and Technology. I serve as a technology mentor teacher on campus, co-sponsor Student Council, and also co-sponsor and additional extra curricular activity. I currently teach Digital Design to sixth graders and Texas History to both on-level and advanced students. I love finding meaningful ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. We live and teach in a carousel of progress. "There's a great big beautiful tomorrow" --Richard and Robert Sherman.
Alicia Dudley-Huffman Elementary School
My name is Alicia Dudley and I am the Technology Mentor Teacher for Huffman Elementary. I graduated in 2018 from Sam Houston State University with my Master Education in Instructional Technology. I have been with Huffman ISD since 2019 and have been teaching for 13 years. Currently I am the HES Librarian and I am always looking for new ways to incorporate technology into the library. I love helping other teachers with incorporating technology as well.