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Compliment and Complaint Process

Unless prior arrangements are authorized by the Chief of Police, all formal complaints must be filed in person at the Huffman ISD Police Department located at 24403 E. Lake Houston Parkway, Huffman, Tx. 77336.

Anonymous and third-party complaints are also accepted and will be investigated to the extent that sufficient information is provided. However, if you choose to not provide your contact information, the investigators will be unable to ask you follow-up questions that might be needed for a thorough, complete investigation.

Senate Bill 1074 of the 77th Legislature established requirements in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure that law enforcement agencies must have a detailed written policy that implements a process by which complaints may be filed and provide public education relating to the complaint process. The Huffman ISD Police Department has an extensive policy manual that governs the actions of its employees and details acceptable and unacceptable practices, as well as provides information explaining the compliment and complaint process, and provides pamphlets of these procedures in the lobby of the Huffman ISD Police Department.

Complaint Procedures

Texas State Law (Govt. Code 614.022) requires that all complaints against police officers be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. Just as citizens who are arrested must be notified of the charges against them, before any disciplinary action may be taken, the officer must be notified of a complaint against them.

Any person electing to file a complaint on an employee of the Huffman ISD Police Department may do the following:

Contact the on-duty supervisor at (281) 324-7676.  The supervisor will discuss the issue with the complainant and explain the process for filing a formal complaint. Alternatively, a complainant may send a letter to the Huffman ISD Police Department located at 24403 E. Lake Houston Parkway, Huffman, Tx. 77336.

Once the information is reviewed, the complainant will be contacted and the process for filing a formal complaint will be explained. However, please note that simply sending a letter of complaint DOES NOT fulfill the legal requirements for filing an official complaint against a Texas Peace Officer. 

The Importance of Your Compliment/Commendation

There are times when employees go above and beyond the call-of-duty. Law enforcement employees, like everyone else, appreciate it when their good deeds are recognized,  but all too often police officers are remembered for the traffic tickets they issue or the arrests they have made, and not for the thousands of helping hands they have extended to the public.

If an employee of the Huffman ISD Police Department provides service that you feel should be complimented/commended, please write a letter, or email the Chief of Police, or you may contact the on-duty supervisor about the good deed the employee has done. The Chief of Police will notify the employee and a copy will be placed in the police officer's personnel file. This boosts morale and encourages other employees of the department to be more positive about themselves and the service they provide to the citizens of our district. We are truly proud of the good relationship we share with our community. [email protected] 

The Importance of Your Complaint

The Huffman ISD Police Department recognizes that its employees are responsible for their conduct where the public is concerned. The department also acknowledges that at certain times, conflicts between citizens and department employees can arise so it is essential to the safety of our community that the relationship between police and citizens is built upon confidence and trust. Law enforcement cannot be effective without this vital connection between both entities. Police officers must be free to exercise their best judgment and initiate action in a reasonable, lawful and impartial manner without fear of reprisal. At the same time, however, police officers must always observe and respect the rights of all people and be accountable for their actions.

The complaint process and appropriate disciplinary procedures not only subject department members to corrective action when they conduct themselves improperly, the guidelines also protect them from unwarranted criticism when they discharge their duties properly. The department also realizes that confusion, different perceptions, or the timeliness of information will sometimes result in different versions of the same incident. Beyond legitimate error, however, the deliberate making of a false or misleading report may constitute a violation of state law.

The complaint process is designed to deal with each case factually and fairly. Citizens who file complaints will be treated respectfully and accusations against an agency employee will be taken seriously. All complaints will be investigated thoroughly, and all findings will be based on impartial evidence collected during the investigation.

The employee(s) named in the complaint will, at some point, be required to respond to the specific allegations made against them. Complainants need not be concerned, however, that they will be subject to retribution for initiating a complaint, as there are procedures in place to prevent this.

Complainants who have current criminal or traffic charges pending should be aware that the internal review process deals solely with matters of departmental policy and the conduct of the agency employees. Regardless of the outcome of the internal investigation, existing criminal or traffic charges must be dealt with through the proper courts.

Citizens will be notified in writing from the Chief of Police regarding the disposition of the complaint using the coding listed below:

Potential Dispositions of Internal Affairs Complaints 

After a thorough investigation, the complaint will be classified into one of the following dispositions:

Exonerated: The allegation is true, but the behavior was lawful and proper.

Unfounded: The allegation is either false or not factual.

Not Sustained: Insufficient evidence exists to either prove or disapprove the allegation.

Sustained: Sufficient evidence exists to prove the allegation.

Misconduct Not Alleged in Complaint: A violation not originally mentioned by the complainant is discovered during the investigation.

Citizen Complaint Form