Security Related Information
1. HISD believes that Security is Everyone's Responsibility ... and that means that students and parents should understand that they too possess a responsibility to report malfunctioning doors and locks, suspicious incidents/people, and all other unsafe conditions - immediately - to either a teacher or any other member of the HISD staff.
2. As age appropriate, talk to your student about bullying, weapons, suicide prevention, mental health, and/or any other behaviors displayed by individuals that may indicate a need for help. Strongly encourage your student to report these issues immediately to you and HISD staff so that the appropriate resources may be offered to the person in need.
3. Make certain that all doors leading into the school from outside (perimeter doors) always close completely with the locking mechanism engaged.
4. All HISD faculty and staff must prominently display their district-issued identification card at all times while on HISD property.
5. All parents and other visitors to any HISD campus MUST check in through the front office of the campus in which they intend to visit.
6. Anyone – either HISD employee or visitor – will be reported for any failure to prominently display their assigned identification badge while on HISD property.
7. All HISD employees, students and authorized visitors MUST immediately challenge and/or report any other person who fails to prominently display their assigned HISD identification to the appropriate principal’s office for investigation and resolution.
8. New traffic plans have been developed at both the Huffman Elementary School and Falcon Ridge Elementary School. Please be observant of these changes and please be patient as we work to improve the efficiency of the arrival and dismissal processes at each campus.
9. DO NOT discharge from a motor vehicle or drop any elementary school student off along the public roadway, even if a sidewalk exists. If a student is driven to an elementary school campus, that student must be dropped-off and picked-up in the driver’s queue line that is being managed by HISD staff and police officers. Please note that students dropped off along the roadway do not have crossing guards to assist them across moving lanes of motor vehicle traffic, which includes the HISD driver’s queue lines.
10. Emergency situations should be reported immediately through 9-1-1, and all other security-sensitive issues must be reported immediately to the campus principal and/or the HISD Police either in person or at 281-324-7676.